Friday 19 August 2011

Of new content (AKA there goes my weekend)

Today Wysteria goes live! You all know what that means!

Yes, it means more people will be begging for crowns in the commons so they can buy the new areas, but that's not what I was getting at.

It means I will online far too much for my own good, enjoying every second of this! :) It also means... NEW CHEAT TOWER!

This fight can be BRUTAL. However, if you can cut off the bosses' cheats at the pass you should be just fine. Here's the (of course, lol) guide I wrote to help get you through the boss fights in this tower.

DiSpellbound: A Strategy Guide for the Tower of the Helephant

Using these ideas we actually ENJOYED this fight, and got in a bunch of hits like this one. :)

So have fun, and enjoy yourselves! I'm sure I'll be seeing a WHOLE lot of you in Wysteria VERY soon.

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